Free up clinician & administrator time to focus on the work that really matters -- serving the patients.
Realize the full potential of multimodal health data through scalable curation and enrichment. Is your data AI ready?
The average hospital generates over 50 PB of data per year. Most of this data is unstructured, unlabeled, and without a common data model. Nimblemind ingests multimodal data and outputs structured, enriched data ready for AI training. These models lead to better clinical outcomes, more efficient administration, and optimized revenue.
Nimblemind enables users to create structure from unstructured datasets, and to enrich data while maintaining security and compliance.
Free up clinician & administrator time to focus on the work that really matters -- serving the patients.
API-driven cloud based service -- works at scale when you need it and costs nothing when you don't.
Turn your datasets AI ready -- reduce AI training cycles from days of manual prep to just a few hours.